SINA SPA, a design company within the ASTM Group, has been a key player for over fifty years in the study, design, construction, and management of new projects in the fields of road and rail transport, telecommunications, and infrastructure engineering.
SINA’s commitment extends beyond the commissioning of infrastructure to ongoing support for its management and adaptation. The company, thanks to highly specialized personnel, offers additional services such as:
- Verification of tunnel safety and surveillance systems.
- Infrastructure control and inspection activities.
- Environmental monitoring activities.

Project Description
Following a period of heavy rainfall, on November 24, 2019, a massive landslide occurred, striking the Madonna del Monte viaduct on the A6 Torino-Savona highway, between the Ligurian cities of Savona and Altare.
SINA SPA promptly responded during the emergency phase, conducting post-collapse assessments and devising a comprehensive monitoring plan to ensure the safety of operations and restore vehicular traffic.
The engagement by SINA SPA continued with the phases of demolition, preliminary and executive design, construction management, and final inspection of the new structure completed on February 21, 2020. An impressive accomplishment in just 3 months!
In this context, Pangea Cloud was immediately activated with the aim of consolidating all historical and post-collapse data, gathered ad hoc (including geognostic surveys, Laser Scanner surveys, UAV, Satellite imagery, laboratory tests, among others), stemming from monitoring activities (both spot and continuous GBInSAR) on the structure, and distributing them (according to differentiated privileges) to all stakeholders involved. The added value was precisely to make all necessary data readily accessible to Engineers, Technicians, Managers, and those responsible for the viaduct restoration activities, representing the Work Progress Status, identifying any critical issues, and facilitating the retrieval, production, and access to the documentary system associated with planned and ongoing activities.

Activities and Objectives of the Project
• Needs analysis.
• Development of custom data acquisition interfaces (IoT).
• Preliminary processing and harmonization of highly heterogeneous data.
• Importation and integration of data within the platform.
• Performance optimization.
• Service delivery in Cloud mode.
The data provided by the Pangea Cloud platform includes:
- Environmental and Architectural Laser Scanner Surveys of the restoration area
- Satellite imagery
- Aerial photogrammetry
- Documents and technical specifications
- 360° photos
- Ground and drone-captured videos
- Weather data
- Video data captured by streaming cameras
- GBInSAR and InSAR interferometric data from satellites, with real-time analysis compared to temperature trends in the surrounding environment, and much more.